
Oasis Break Free Vacation Tour

Oasis Break Free Vacation Tour


  • Duration: 9
  • Group size : +2
  • Destination : Cairo , Baharia oasis,Whilte desert,Sohag,Luxor
  • Category: 3*
  • Season: All seasons
  • Airfare Included: No
  • Customizable: Yes

Day 1: Cairo

Arrived at the airport of Cairo where our representative will accomodate you and assist in the various steps to follow. You will be then accompanied to your hotel. Night in hotel.

Day 2: Cairo - Oasis of Baharya

Breakfast in the hotel. departure for the oasis of Baharyia. Considered for its wines as of the Average Empire, the oasis of North - Ouhat Mehet - was firmly attached to the central capacity only starting from the New Empire. It developed then fertile relations with the Greek colony of Cyrène. We will discover, close to the village of Bawiti, the vestiges of the temple of Amasis and the ruins of a church. It is also in the oasis that the Egyptian Egyptologist Zahi Hawass and his team are putting at the day a number impressing of tombs and intact sarcophagi which made call this place the valley of the mummies. The site of El-Qasr delivered to the archaeologists several vaults devoted to Apriès, while in Qaret Helwa, we will see fall it from Amenhotep Houy, which was a governor of the oasis at the end of the XVIII dynasty. Night in hotel

Day 3: The White desert

(150 km) Of the richnesses of the history to the wonders of geology: leaving Bahariya, we will engage in the fantastic landscapes of the white desert, where considerable carbonate lake deposits of a bright white were carved by erosion. We spade-will screw on the way with the c?ur these surrealist landscapes, night in Bivouac.

Day 4: Bahariya - El Minia

Back to the Bahariya oases, after midday we will go in El Minia through the desert. Night in hotel.

Day 5: Bani Hassan

Minieh is probably old Ménat-Khoufou, capital of the nomist of Oryx. Tehneh el-Gebel, car its name of the Egyptian Your-Déhénet (the Cliff). Visit of a temple hémispéos time of Néron. More in the south, Kôm el-Ahmar, the red Hillock, is the Hébénou antic. One can see there the base of a small pyramid to degrees of IIIe dynasty. Visit of Speos Artemidos, rupestral temple devoted by Hatchepsout to the Pakhet goddess-lioness. The immense necropolis of beni Hassan is dug of a series of tombs, of which most recent offer a gantry to grooved columns protodoric. Night in hotel.

Day 6: Tell el-Amarna

We will gain one of the most mythical places of the valley: Tell el-Amarna or Akhetaton. In its circus of mountains, the Horizon of Aton seems well the astonishing geographical concretization of the idealistic Utopia of Akhénaton. The necropoles justify to be delayed a whole day on the site. We will discover initially the necropolis septentrional, while penetrating in some of its more beautiful tombs with the iconographic program properly amarnien. Then we will explore the necropolis Southerner and her many tombs in the decoration of which the sun holds a place of choice. The tomb of Ay, future king after Toutankhamon, preserves famous the Great Anthem at Aton. Night in hotel.

Day 7: Hermopolis – Sohag

Capital of the nomist of Hare, Hermopolis was devoted to the Toth god and a whole of eight divinities at the origin of Creation. City itself remain of the scattered vestiges of the time ramesside. Touna el-Gebel was one of the necropoles of Hermopolis. The tomb of Petosiris retains the interest by its syncretism, in its architecture and its decoration, between Greek art and Egyptian art. Akhmim was formerly chief town of the nomist of Min, the god of the fertility. One of its temples delivered splendid and gigantic statue of Meryt-Amon, girl of Ramsès II. Night in Sohag.

Day 8: Sohag - Dendera – Luxor

the ruins of the town of Athribis comprise several temples of time gréco-Roman, of which that, gigantic, of the goddess Répyt lioness, who gave her name to the city. The White convent (Deir Al-Abiad), founded towards 400 of our era, accomodated formerly a strong community of 2 000 monks. The Red convent (Deir Al-Ahmar), which resembles to him by its plan and its provision, owes its name with the bricks whose its enclosing wall is built. Departure for Dendéra. The site of Dendéra will provide us the occasion to dream in front of one of the most beautiful temples of the ptolemaïc period, dedicated to the goddess Hathor, the injury of the sky. Meet with celopatra VII and his/her Césarion son. Night in Luxor.

Day 9: Luxor

Night in hotel and transfer to the international airport of Luxor for your departure.